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Hello! September!

Amanda Wang

Clover Nutrition is a manufacturer of tea products, herbal extract, functional food. Main Product are Icariin 20%, Lutein 20%, Zeaxanthin 10%, Asataxanthin 2%.

September is here, wish you shall have a happy and fruitful month.

Clover Nutrition have following items with guarantee product quality to achieve world-class standards, fast and efficient delivery,

Asataxanthin 5-10% HPLC

Kaempferol 10-98% HPLC

Resveratrol 10-98% HPLC

Osthole 10-98% HPLC

Coleus Forskohlii Extract 10-40% HPLC

A Clover Nutrition Inc

Kaempferol, Rhizome Of Kaempferia Galanga

Extract, Kaempferol Radices, Natural Plant Extract

Kaempferol 10%-98% HPLC

Giant Knotweed Extract/Polygonum cuspidatum extract/ Japanese knotweed resveratrol powder/Trans resveratrol supplements

Giant Knotweed Extract, ie Hu Zhang Extract, which is a yellow brown powder or off-white powder extract from root of Giant Knotweed. Resveratrol is a main active infredients in it, resveratrol is a member of a group of plant compounds called polyphenols.

Cnidium monnieri Extract, ie She Chuang Zi, which is a green yellow powder or white powder extract from seed of Cnidum Monnieri.

Cnidium monnieri is said to be a warm, bitter and acrid herb, native to China. Cnidium monnieri has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a remedy for many skin ailments, as well as a treatment for sexual dysfunction.

Coleus Forskohlii Extract 10-40% HPLC

Xi'an, China 0086-029-81875649

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