info@clovercn.com Skype: clovernutrition Phone Number: 0086-29-81875649 Working Time: Mon-Fri: 9.00-17.00 Mail: sales@clovernutrition.com
Quality First, Rooted Trust
Genuine Identity, High Purity, Natural Potency

Core Products List sales@aclovernutrition.com
Trade Mark Product Name Active Ingredients and Content Application
Clover-HTP™ 5-HTP 5-HTP 99% sleep disorders, depression, anxiety
Clover-Asataxanthi™ Haematococcus pluvialis 2.0%-5.0% HPLC Sports Drinks, Functional Food
Clover-Astragalus™ Astragalus Extract Polysaccharides 50%UV Health Food and Beverage
0.5% flavones
Clover-Black Cohosh™ Black Cohosh Extract triterpenes 2.5% Women health ingredient
Clover-Baizhu™ BAI-ZHU ATRACTYLODES Straight Powder Pharmaceutical, Health Food
and Beverage
Clover-Bittermelon™ BitterMelon Extract Charatin 5%UV, Sports Drinks, Functional Food
Polysaccharides 10 ~30%
Clover-Chlorella™ Chlorella Algae Powder Straight Powder, Protein 55% Health Food
Clover-Q10™ Coenzyme Q10 98.0% ~101% Cardiovascular protection/
Clover-forskohlii™ Coleus Forskohlii Forskohlii 10-90% HPLC Pharmaceutical
Clover-Osthole™ Cnidium monnieri Extract Osthole 10-98% HPLC Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-Dong Quai™ Dong Quai Extract 4:1, 5:1,10:1, Beverage
0.25% Ligustilide, 1% Ligustilide Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-Echinacea™ Echinacea Purpurea P.E. 4% Polyphenols Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-Eggshell™ Eggshell Membrane Straight Powder Joint Problem, Skin Care
Clover-Tongkat™ Eurycoma Longifolia 10:1 TLC 25:1 TLC 50:1 TLC Sports Drinks, Functional Food
Clover-Fenugreek™ Fenugreek Saponins50% UV Sports Drinks, Functional Food
Clover-Ginseng™ Ginseng Extract Ginsenosides Heath Food, Nutrition Tonic
4%-80%UV Pharmaceutical
Clover-Genistein™ Genistein Genistein 10-98% HPLC Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-Green Tea™ Green Tea Extract Polyphenol 50-80% UV Beverage, Drink, Health Food
Clover- Garcinia™ Garcinia Cambogia Garcinia2:1TLC
Garcinia HCA 50% Health Food, Lose weight ingredient
Clover-Ginkgo Ginkgo Biloba Extract 24% Circulation to the brain
Clover-Grape™ Grape Seed Extract GSE OPC 95% Sports Drinks, Functional Food
Clover-Resveratrol™ Giant Knotweed Extract Resveratrol 10-98% HPLC Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-Rhodiola™ Rhodiola P.E. Salidroside 1%, 2%, 3%
Rosavin 1%, 2%, 3% Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Rosavins 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% Anti-aging,
Clover-Kaempferol™ Kaempferol Kaempferol 20-98% HPLC Pharmaceutical
Clover-Magnolia™ Magnolia Bark Extract Honokiol 5-98% HPLC Magnolol 5-98% HPLC Cosmetic,Skin Care
Clover-Epimedium™ Epimedium Extract Icariin 5-98% HPLC Health Food,Sexual Ingredients
Clover-Lutein™ Marigold Extract Lutein 5-40% HPLC/UV Sports Drinks,Functional Food
Clover-Muira Puama™ Muira Puama Extract 10:1 TLC 25:1 TLC Women health ingredient
Clover-Silymarin™ Milk thistle extract Silymarin 80% UV Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-notoginseng™ Panax notoginseng Straight Powder Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-Pomegranate™ Pomegranate Extract Polyphenol 40% UV Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-Eleutherosid™ Siberian Ginseng Extract Eleutheroside B&E Health Food
0.8%/1.5%/2%HPLC Pharmaceutical
Clover-Fatty acids™ Saw Palmetto Fatty acids 45% GC Sports Drinks, Functional Food
Clover-Schisandra™ Schisandra Extract Schisandrins
2%/5%/9%/20%/25%HPLC Pharmaceutical, Health Food
Clover-Tribulus™ Tribulus Terrestris Saponins45-95% UV Sports Drinks, Functional Food
Clover-Lycopene™ Tomato Extract Lycopene 5-40% HPLC Pharmaceutical, Health Food
E-mail: info@clovercn.com